A sperger’s Syndrome: www.aspergerssociety.org
Addiction Group Recovery Outreach USA: www.addictiongroup.org/addiction/
Addiction Resources in New Jersey: www.northjerseyrecovery.com/resources/
Alcohol and Detox Centres throughout USA: www.detoxrehabs.net
Alcohol Rehab Help, USA. Twelve Steps, much more: https://alcoholrehabhelp.org/treatment/12-step-programs/
Alcohol Rehab Help, USA. Help Yourself, much more: https://alcoholrehabhelp.org/treatment/prevention/
Astigmatism: Causes & Treatment, USA: http://www.visioncenter.org/refractive-errors/astigmatism/
B ook Publisher: Men’s Health, Relationships, and Social Issues etc: www.finch.com.au
Beyond Blue: www.beyondblue.org.au
Books – Used: www.biblioz.com.au ; www.bookfinder.com or Google topic.
Bowel Cancer Australia: www.bowelcanceraustralia.org
C ancer Council of Australia: www.cancer.org.au
Child & Youth Health: www.cyh.com
Cecil's Hub ~ The Virtual Men's Gathering ~ "Connecting Men with Purpose and Direction": www.cecilshub.com and https://www.mensgroups.cecilshub.com/
Community Services (NSW Dept of): www.community.nsw.gov.au
Crisis, Grief, & Healing: www.webhealing.com
D epression: www.dnet.org.au
DNA-USA site. Be Informed. Know Your History: www.knowyourdna.com
Drug Dangers (Awareness of international Drug Dangers): www.drugdangers.com
Divorce (but not only – check interesting array of links, grand-dads too!): www.fathersafterdivorce.com
F amily Relationships Online: www.familyrelationships.gov.au
Fathering: https://uniting.org/
Fatherhood Project (be sure to play the video there): www.fatherhood.com.au
G eneral Men’s Issues (with some religious comment): www.abbafather.com
Gambling Help National: www.gamblinghelponline.org.au Also Google local: “Gambling Help”
H ealth & Welfare Australian (Govt.) Institute of: www.aihw.gov.au
Heart Foundation: www.heartfoundation.com.au
K id's Help: www.kidshelp.com.au
L egislation (Federal Register of Legislation): www.legislation.gov.au ; www.justice.nsw.gov.au
Lung Cancer Center for visitors to USA : www.lungcancercenter.com
M en and Cancer: www.cancercouncil.com.au
Men’s Health – various websites to check out: http://bit.ly/2nlPMN8
Male Body Image and Mental Health: www.optimale.co.uk/male-body-image-and-mental-health
Men’s Health – check every decade: www.49.com.au (Foundation 49)
Men’s Health Information & Resource Centre (MHIRC) – context and causes of men's health: menshealth.uws.edu.au
Men’s Health Association NSW: https://wayahead.org.au/
Men’s Help Line: www.mensline.org.au National Call: 1300 789 978
Men’s Reproductive Health: www.andrologyaustralia.org
Men’s Sheds: www.menshed.org.au
Men's Wellbeing Inc Qld- men supporting men: www.menswellbeing.org
Mental Health: www.mentalhealth.asn.au
Mental Health Carers NSW: www.mentalhealthcarersnsw.org/
Mesothelioma Guide: www.mesotheliomaguide.com
Mesothelioma Hub: www.MesotheliomaHub.com and https://thegatewayretirement.org/links/
MISTER: www.misternewsletter.com.au
Men's Shed www.menshed.org
Mesothelioma Cancer Network, USA www.asbestos.net/treatment/help
Mesothelioma Lawyer, USA www.mesotheliomalawyercenter.org/about-us
N APCAN: www.napcan.org.au Mission: Prevent child abuse and neglect.
NSW Department of Justice: www.justice.nsw.gov.au
P rostate Cancer (Professor Graham Giles) informative sites: http://bit.ly/2EpBzGc
Prostate Cancer general sites: http://bit.ly/2BE2ivn
Pathways Foundation – every child’s right: http://pathwaysfoundation.org.au/
R ural Male Suicide: https://therippleeffect.com.au/
Rural Outback Australia: www.frontierservices.org
S eniors (Over 50): www.seniors.gov.au
Sexual Health/HIV: www.acon.org.au
Smoking: Seven excuses that smokers use and how to overcome them – from Health Direct: http://bit.ly/2CU6jgK
Stroke Foundation: www.strokefoundation.com.au
Suicide Prevention: www.suicideprevention.com.au
Suicide Rural Male: https://therippleeffect.com.au/
Supporting Our Sons: www.supportingoursons.org
WayAhead NSW: https://wayahead.org.au
Y outh: www.reachout.com.au ; www.kidshelp.com.au
Youth Mental Health National Foundation: www.headspace.org.au